Web3 gaming

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In a groundbreaking move that’s set to reshape the landscape of online gaming, Proof of Play, a company spearheaded by none other than Amitt Mahajan, co-creator of the iconic Farmville, has secured an impressive $33 million in funding. This financial backing, announced on September 21st, marks a significant leap towards creating immersive Web3 games, ushering in a new era of gaming innovation.

A Visionary Leadership: Amitt Mahajan and Emmett Shear

At the helm of Proof of Play stands Amitt Mahajan, renowned as the co-creator of Farmville. His visionary leadership has already set the stage for an exciting journey into Web3 gaming. Adding to the star-studded lineup is Emmett Shear, co-founder of Twitch, who serves as a board member, bringing a wealth of experience in online gaming and streaming.

A Collective Investment: Co-Leaders Chris Dixon and Neil Mehta

The funding drive that catapulted Proof of Play into the limelight was co-led by Chris Dixon of Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) and Neil Mehta of Greenoaks. This diverse group of investors includes some of the most prominent names in the tech and Web3 industry, such as Naval Ravikant, Balaji Srinivasan, and the founders of the popular streaming platform Twitch. Web3 firms, including Anchorage Digital, Mercury, Firebase, Zynga, and Alchemy, have also thrown their weight behind Proof of Play.

Pirate Nation: A Glimpse into the Future of Web3 Gaming

Proof of Play made waves when it unveiled a closed beta of its maiden game, Pirate Nation, in December 2022. This release is just a glimpse of what’s to come. The company envisions overcoming players’ common hurdles when diving into Web3 gaming.

It’s all about providing a seamless and enjoyable experience. Proof of Play asserts its possession of a distinctive fusion of technological and product innovations that enable players to dive into the game seamlessly without the necessity of mastering the complexities of blockchain technology beforehand. Hence, this promises to be a game-changer, making Web3 gaming accessible to a broader audience.

A Commitment to Decentralization: The “Forever Game” Concept

What sets Proof of Play apart is its unwavering commitment to decentralization. Pirate Nation is touted as a “Forever Game,” a concept allowing it to run independently without needing external servers or creator intervention. However, this is a bold step towards ensuring the sustainability and longevity of the gaming experience, even in the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape.

Moreover, Proof of Play has ambitious plans to open-source its technology framework in the future, further enhancing decentralization. This move will empower the gaming community to take ownership of their experiences and shape the future of Web3 gaming.

A Dream Team of Gaming Experts

Behind the scenes, Proof of Play boasts a stellar team with members from some of the gaming and web industry’s most prominent players, including Epic Games, Zynga, EA, Activision, and Google. This wealth of experience and expertise positions the company for success as it endeavours to redefine the gaming experience in the Web3 era.

The Web3 Revolution: A Growing Trend

The multimillion-dollar funding rounds from Web3 companies, such as Proof of Play, indicate a growing trend in 2023. It’s a testament to the rising influence of Web3 technology in reshaping industries. EVE Online developer CCP Games secured $40 million in March to develop a new EVE game, while Hyperplay raised $12 million in June to advance its distribution platform and rival Steam.


Further, proof of play’s monumental funding achievement and commitment to creating Web3 games signal a significant shift in the gaming landscape. With a team of industry experts and a vision for decentralization, this venture is poise to redefine how we play, experience, and interact with games in the Web3 era. The future of gaming just got a whole lot more exciting!

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